Monday 28 November 2011

Email Permission

I am an A2 student at Weatherhead Media Arts College and as part of my media coursework, I am making a documentary on scousers and I was wondering if I could have permission to use some extracts of The Beatles songs in the documentary.
The songs i wish to use are;
Yellow Submarine
Penny Lane
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Twist and Shout

Yours Sincerely,
Lisa Waine.
I am an A2 Student at Weathearhead Media Arts College and as part of my Media Coursework I am making a documentary on scousers. I am emailing you to ask permission to use an extract of Harry Enfield in the documentary which we have found on youtube.
Yours Sincerely,
Lisa Waine

Thursday 17 November 2011

Friday 4 November 2011

Wednesday 2nd November

We went on the ferry over to Liverpool and filmed more iconic shots from various places. This included going on the open top bus of the Liverpool tour bus to film. We also got more vox pops from around the city.